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Are you aware of cardiovascular risk?

People with type 2 diabetes are 2-4 times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke compared to someone living without diabetes. 1,2,3

Learn how you can reduce the risk.

Marta, living with type 2 diabetes

“If only I had known then what I know now about diabetes complications, then maybe my heart attack could have been prevented.”

-Marta, living with type 2 diabetes

Providing you the tools to manage diabetes

In these sections, you can find more information on diabetes, lifestyle tips and treatments.

About diabetes

About diabetes

Read more about diabetes in general and the different types of diabetes. In this section we cover what you need to know as a caregiver or a person living with diabetes. ⁴

Living with diabetes

Living with diabetes

How do you manage your lifestyle when it comes to diabetes? Whether it be nutrition or exercise, we have gathered tips and articles to help you manage diabetes. ⁴

Treatment of diabetes
1 min. read

Treatment of diabetes

There are multiple ways to treat diabetes. Lifestyle, insulin, and alternatives to insulin all play key roles in living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. ⁴

It’s better to catch things before they become a problem

Type 2 diabetes & CVD
2 min. read

Type 2 diabetes & CVD

How do you prevent cardiovascular disease with type 2 diabetes?

Latest insights

Type 2 diabetes – what's going on in your body?
4 min. read

Type 2 diabetes – what's going on in your body?

Understanding the connection between insulin, blood glucose (sugar) and maintaining normal levels is important for controlling type 2 diabetes.

April 2024. IE24DI00041

  1. Mosenzon O, et al. CAPTURE: a multinational, cross-sectional study of cardiovascular disease prevalence in adults with type 2 diabetes across 13 countries. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2021; 20:154.
  2. Almdal T, Scharling H, Jensen JS, Vestergaard H. The independent effect of type 2 diabetes mellitus on ischemic heart disease, stroke, and death: a population-based study of 13,000 men and women with 20 years of follow-up. Arch Intern Med 2004; 164:1422–1426.
  3. Fox CS, Coady S, Sorlie PD, et al. Trends in cardiovascular complications of diabetes. JAMA 2004; 292:2495–2499.
  4. International Diabetes Federation. IDF Atlas 10th Edition, 2021. Available from: https://diabetesatlas.org/idfawp/resource-files/2021/07/IDF_Atlas_10th_Edition_2021.pdf. Last accessed: May 2022.