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Living well, living longer: navigating diabetes to maximise lifespan

People diagnosed with diabetes are also living with obesity or overweight

The connection between diabetes and lifespan is a poignant reminder of the profound impact, proper management can have on our overall well-being. Left untreated or inadequately controlled, diabetes has the potential to unleash a cascade of health complications that may significantly shorten one's lifespan. From cardiovascular disease and kidney damage to vision loss, the spectrum of potential consequences underscores the urgent need for proactive intervention.

Diabetes and your life span

Yet, there's a transformative side to this narrative. With meticulous management, a health-conscious lifestyle, and vigilant health check-ups, individuals grappling with diabetes can craft enduring, fulfilling lives. The key lies in harnessing the synergy between knowledge and action.

The champions of healthy living

In truth, many individuals with diabetes emerge as exemplars of healthy living. With an acute understanding of the symbiotic relationship between diet and exercise, and their condition, they often exhibit a heightened awareness of the choices that positively impact their health. This understanding translates into tangible, daily practices that set them on a trajectory of well-being.


Balancing act for lifelong well-being

The crux of managing diabetes is to strike a harmonious balance between various aspects: blood sugar monitoring, medication adherence, dietary choices, and physical activity. By consistently aligning these elements, individuals can empower themselves to proactively manage their diagnosis, rather than allowing it to define or limit their life experiences.

Embracing newer possibilities

Diabetes doesn't dictate the terms of your existence. By integrating the latest advancements in diabetes management, you can navigate the challenges with greater ease. The journey toward effective diabetes management involves learning about emerging possibilities and leveraging them to enhance the quality of your life.

A collective effort

While the personal journey towards diabetes management is deeply individual, it's also inherently collective. This journey is shared by countless individuals worldwide, each working towards the common goal of reducing the weight of diabetes on their lives.

Transforming lives

Ultimately, the connection between diabetes and lifespan serves as a call to action, a reminder that every choice you make holds the potential to influence not just the quantity but the quality of your days. Armed with knowledge, dedication, and a proactive spirit, individuals can transform the trajectory of their lives and stand as living testaments to the power of effective diabetes management.

The keys to success are moderation, consistency, and close observation. Your life expectancy or quality of life does not have to be determined by diabetes. You may now be able to manage your diabetes relatively easily if you take advantage of some of the more recent treatment options and newer possibilities. Together, let’s lower the weight of diabetes



  1. Kianmehr H et al. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Apr 1;5(4):e227705.
  2. Adapted from American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee;. Diabetes Care 1 January 2024; 47 (Supplement_1): S77–S110.
  3. The ERFC et al. JAMA 2015 Jul 7;314(1):52-60.
  4. Adapted from Kumar V et al. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries. 2022 Dec 15;42(Suppl 1):1-30.


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