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How to manage diabetes: Tips for work, travel and sports

The key to good diabetes management is awareness of yourself and your surroundings. By paying attention to how your body can react in different situations and careful planning, you can continue to be active in all types of environments and situations.

As you start your insulin journey, you might be wondering ‘do I need to carry insulin everywhere I go?’, or ‘what happens if I don’t have access to my insulin?’. Don’t worry! Here are some tips from Jan Kruszynski, who is living with type 2 diabetes, to answer your questions on managing diabetes with insulin day-to-day.

How do I manage injecting insulin every day? Do I need to carry insulin everywhere I go?

Having an insulin injection routine can mean making accommodations to ensure you are able to check your blood sugar and take your medication when needed. When you’re on the go, it can be helpful to carry your insulin with you and stick to your routine, so you’re always prepared to manage your blood sugar levels throughout the day. If this sounds overwhelming at first, that’s okay! Read on to find out what you can or should do when injecting insulin in different situations.

How do I manage my diabetes at work?

Many people can manage their diabetes without being affected at work. However, a full workday may mean that you struggle with eating healthily, taking medication or keeping your blood sugar stable1,2. Here are some things you can do to feel your best in the workplace.

How do I avoid hypos at work?

  • Start the day right: Never miss breakfast. This can lead to hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), especially if you are on insulin or a medication to increase your insulin levels. Hypoglycaemia can affect your health, performance and safety at work3.
  • Plan your meals: Take your own healthy packed lunch and snacks to work – you'll know exactly what you're eating and be able to plan accordingly. If you use a canteen or shop, get to know the healthy choices.

How do I manage injecting insulin at work?

  • Testing and injecting: Make sure you have access to a hygienic place where you can test and inject in comfort.
  • Pens and medication: Always keep a spare pen at work. If you need to store your medication in a refrigerator, label it clearly so it is not used or discarded by accident. Use medication before the expiry date and read the label for 'in-use' storage guidance.

What are my rights as a person with diabetes at work?

  • Know your rights: The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has developed a Charter of Rights for people with diabetes  that covers fair treatment, career progression and support in the workplace4. Many countries have adopted similar charters.
  • Inform recruiters and employers: There are usually no legal requirements to tell recruiters about your diabetes. However, a new employer is allowed to ask appropriate health-related questions to ensure you are able to do the job.

Should I tell my colleagues that I have diabetes?

  • Tell your colleagues: It's up to you whether you tell your colleagues. If you do, you may consider providing a simple explanation about diabetes and guidance on what to do if you experience hypoglycaemia so they feel confident about helping you if needed5.

How do I manage my diabetes while travelling?

How can I prepare to travel with diabetes?
  • Supplies: Take extra medication and equipment, and pack it in both your hand luggage and suitcase in case of loss, breakdown or delay.
  • Snacks: Prepare starchy snacks and fluids to be carried at all times in case of hypos or unexpected gaps between meals.
  • Documentation: Always carry diabetes identification (such as a card or bracelet), a letter from your healthcare professional that states you have diabetes, a replacement prescription and your insurance policy documents.
  • Security: Check airport security requirements relating to medicine and injection devices in advance.
How can I travel safely with diabetes?
  • Keep moving: Get up and walk around the plane or ship cabin and take frequent rest stops if travelling by car.
  • Watch out for hypos: Check your blood sugar levels before you drive and ensure to check regularly on long journeys6. Pull over at the first sign of a hypo andalways keep something sugary to hand, just in case.
  • Inform staff: Make cabin staff or stewards aware of your diabetes in case any problems arise.
  • Time zone changes: Be prepared to adjust mealtimes and medication as travel days get longer or shorter.
How should I store my insulin while away from home? Do I need to refrigerate my insulin / insulin pens?
  • Hot weather: High temperatures can degrade medications, but they also increase the speed they are absorbed, creating a risk of hypos7,8. Monitor your blood sugar levels closely and be ready to adjust your diet or dosage.
  • Cold weather: Some medications are absorbed more slowly in cold temperatures, but warming up quickly may result in a hypo8. Monitor your blood sugar levels closely and be ready to adjust your diet or dosage.
  • Medicine storage: Extreme temperatures can affect how different medications work7,8.
  • Protect hands and feet: Take care of your hands and feet if you have neuropathy (nerve disease) – numbness may prevent you from realising they are sunburned or frozen.

How do I manage my diabetes if I’m unwell?

You may not feel like checking your blood sugar levels or injecting your diabetes medication when you are sick. However, it is really important that you continue to do this to keep your diabetes under control. When you're feeling unwell, don’t forget to reach out to your healthcare professional for support with your diabetes management.

Your blood sugar levels can rise when you’re ill9, so keep checking and adjust your insulin dose if necessary. If you are nauseous or vomiting, you may not be taking in enough carbohydrates (sugar). When you do not eat and take your insulin, you are at risk of getting low blood sugar. Try sipping sugary drinks or eating a little ‘easy’ food, such as soup or ice cream, or suck on sugar tablets10.

How do I manage my diabetes while playing sports?

Generally, it is a good idea to take your insulin pen, a mobile phone and a sugary snack with you when exercising so that you are prepared in case of emergencies. Make sure you are wearing a medical alert that tells others you are on insulin.

Also, make sure you are not exposing the insulin in your pen to extreme temperatures (>25°C, <4°C), such as by leaving it in the sun or next to a frosty playing field11.

Before starting any exercise programme, however, speak to your diabetes healthcare professional and ask for their advice. They will probably give you a general check-up and tell you how to adjust your food and medication, including insulin, to balance your blood sugar control accordingly. 

To find out more about managing diabetes with exercise, read our section on getting active


  1. Adu MD, Malabu UH, et al. Enablers and barriers to effective diabetes self-management: A multi-national investigation. PLoS One. 2019;14:e0217771.
  2. Ruston A, Smith A, et al. Diabetes in the workplace - diabetic's perceptions and experiences of managing their disease at work: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 2013;13:386.
  3. NHS Inform. Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar). Available at: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/blood-and-lymph/hypoglycaemia-low-blood-sugar/ Last accessed: September 2024.
  4. International Diabetes Federation. International Charter of Rights and Responsibilities of People with Diabetes. Available at: https://idf.org/media/uploads/2023/05/attachments-1.pdf Last accessed: September 2024.
  5. Diabetes UK. Work and diabetes. Available at: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/life-with-diabetes/employment Last accessed: September 2024.
  6. Graveling AJ, Frier BM. Driving and diabetes: problems, licensing restrictions and recommendations for safe driving. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology. 2015;1:8.
  7. Kongmalai T, Orarachin P, et al. The Effect of high temperature on the stability of basal insulin in a pen: a randomized controlled, crossover, equivalence trial. BMJ Open Diabetes Research &amp; Care. 2022;10:e003105. 
  8. Diabetes.co.uk. Diabetes and hot weather. Available at: https://www.diabetes.co.uk/diabetes-and-hot-weather.html Last accessed: September  2024.
  9. NHS. High blood sugar (hyperglycaemia). Available at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/high-blood-sugar-hyperglycaemia/ Last accessed: September 2024.
  10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Managing sick days. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/flu-sick-days.html Last accessed: September 2024.
  11. Richter B, Bongaerts B, et al. Thermal stability and storage of human insulin. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD015385. 

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